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    YOGA FILL FORM HERE TO APPLY 1. Record Title: Longest time to hold the HALASANA (Male) Measurements: 01:00:00 hour (s): minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) 2. Record Title: Longest time to hold the HALASANA (Female) Measurements: 6 minuet(s): 18 Second(s) (AOWR) 3. Record Title: Longest time to hold the HALASANA (male age under-16) Measurements: 1:00 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) 4. Record Title: Longest time to hold the HALASANA (Female age under-16) Measurements: 1:00 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) 5. Record Title: Most people performing the HALASANA . Measurements: The current record is 50 people 00:30 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Record Title: ​ Longest time to hold The Hanuman Asana (yoga) (Female) Measurements 00:27:04 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) ​ Record Title: ​ Longest time to hold The PARIVRTTA SURYA YANTRASANA (yoga) (Female age under-16) Measurements 00:20:04 hour(s) : minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Record Title: ​ Ganda Bherundasana (Longest Chin Stand) ​ (Female) Measurements: 21:26 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) ​ ​​ Record Title: ​ Longest time to hold The Purna Bhujangasana (Full Cobra Pose) (Female age under-16) Measurements: 00 : 50 : 14 hour (s): minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) ​​​​​​ ​ ​ Record Title: Longest time to hold The PURNA USTRASANA (Female) Measurements: 00 : 25 : 02 hour (s): minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) ​​​ ​ ​ Record Title: ​ Longest time to hold The Hanuman Asana (yoga) (Female) Measurements 00:27:04 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) ​ ​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Record Title: ​ Ganda Bherundasana (Longest Chin Stand) ​ (Female) Measurements: 21:26 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) ​ Record Title Longest time to hold the Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) (Male) Measurements: 00:05:36 minute(s): Second(s) (AOWR ) ​ Record Title: ​ Longest time to hold The Anjaneyasana (Equestrian Pose or Crescent Moon Pose) (Female) ​ Measurements: 00:01:08 minute(s): Second(s) (AOWR) ​ Record Title Most People Performing the Ushtrasasana (CamelPose) (Mass Evevent) Measurements: 264 People 01:55 minute(s): Second(s) (AOWR ) ​ ​ Record Title: ​ Longest time to hold the Phalakasana (Plank Pose) (Female) ​ Measurements: 00:01:01 minute(s): Second(s) (AOWR) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Record Title: ​ Longest time to hold the Ustrasana (Camel Pose) (Male age under-16) Measurements: 00:10:02 minute(s): Second(s) (AOWR) ​ ​ ​ Record Title: ​ The LARGEST PAIR YOGA UTKATTASANA (CHAIR POSE) Mass Event ​ Measurements Total 121 people performed for 05:40 minute(s): ,Second(s) (AOWR ​ ​ ​ Record Title: ​ Longest time to hold the Shirsha Garudasana (Headstand Eagle Legs Position) (Female) Measurements: 00:02:04 minute(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title : ​ Longest time to hold the Bhunamanasana ​ (Greeting to earth Position) (Male) Measurements: 01:21:00 Hour(s): minute(s): Second(s) (AOWR) ​ ​ ​ Record Title: ​ The Largest Surya Namaskar Performance ​ . Measurements: The current record is in numbers“113,02,59,962” SURYA NAMASKAR By 5,704,646 Yoga Enthusiasts (AOWR) Record Title: ​ Longest time to hold the Bhunamanasana ​ (Greeting to earth Position) (Male age under-16) Measurements: 00:025:01 minute(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: ​ Longest time to hold The Raj-Kapot Asana ​ (male age under-16) Measurements: 5:12 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: Longest time to hold The Janushirsh Asana (Female) ​ Measurements: 1:12 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​​​​ ​​​ ​​ ​​​ ​ Record Title: ​ ​ Longest time to hold the Janushirsh Asana (Female age under-16) Measurements: 22:51 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) ​ Record Title: Record Title: Longest time to hold The Garbh-Asana (Female age under-16) Measurements 01 : 30:03 hour(s):minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: The Largest Yoga Performance on floating surface. ​ Measurements: The current record is 35 people performance for 1 hour and 30 minutes. (AOWR) Record Title: ​ Longest time to hold the Padam Sirasana (Headstand Pose) (Male) ​ Measurements: 23:04 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: ​ Longest time to hold the Kurma Asana (Male) Measurements: 33:25 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: ​ Longest time to hold the Shashank Asana (Female) Measurements: 10:27 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: ​ Longest time to hold the Shashank Asana (Female age under-16) ​ ​ Measurements: 34:49 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: Longest time to hold the Ardha Matsyendra Asana (Female) Measurements: 5:58 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) ​ Record Title: ​ Longest time to hold the Ardha Matsyendra Asana (male age under-16) Measurements: 24:42 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: Longest time to hold The Supta Vajaras ana (Female) Measurements: 00:20:03 hour (s): minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: ​ Longest time to hold The Bhadrasana (Female) Measurements: 00:30:10 hour (s): minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: ​ Longest time to hold The Parvatasana (Female) Measurements: 00:03:06 hour (s): minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: ​ Longest time to hold The Bhujangasana (Female) Measurements: 00:03:09 hour (s): minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: ​ Longest time to hold The Ushtra Asana (Female) Measurements: 00:02:04 hour (s): minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: ​ Longest time to hold The Vrksasana (Female) Measurements: 00:03:06 hour (s): minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: ​ Longest time to hold Uttana Mandukasana (Female) Measurements: 00:07:05 hour (s): minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: ​ Longest time to hold The Phalakasana (Female) Measurements: 00:02:04 hour (s): minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: ​ The Longest Time To Hold The Padma Sarvangasana (Male) Measurements: 07:51 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) ​ Record Title: Longest time to hold the SASANGASANA (Female age under-16) Measurements: 00 : 20 : 01 hour (s): minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

  • About Us

    As the Director of Amazing Olympia World Records, I am thrilled to introduce our revolutionary platform, designed after over 15 years of extensive research and in response to the evolving needs of our global society. Amazing Olympia World Records (AOWR) stands as the premier alternative to traditional sports organizations and world record books, embracing a fresh approach to celebrating extraordinary talents worldwide. Our Vision: We are committed to redefining the world of records and achievements by fostering a dynamic, inclusive environment that empowers individuals and elevates their accomplishments. Key Initiatives: Employment Opportunities for Record Holders: We have established a master strategy to create job opportunities for every official world record holder within AOWR. This initiative aims to provide meaningful career paths and support to our record-holders, ensuring their talents are recognized and rewarded. The "Amazingly Olympian" Title: In our pursuit of excellence, we have introduced a rigorous and prestigious title known as "AMAZINGLY OLYMPIAN." To earn this esteemed title, record holders must maintain their records consistently for 12 months. This ensures that only those who demonstrate sustained excellence and commitment are honored with this accolade. At Amazing Olympia World Records, we are dedicated to balancing power and equality, recognizing talent, and setting new standards in the world of records and achievements. Join us in celebrating and supporting exceptional individuals who make a difference globally. ​ Ms. Diana Aleksandrova DIRECTOR OF AOWR Call us: +1(604) 260-1392 Dr. Aman Sood Managing Director OF AOWR A Message from the • Managing Director of Amazing Olympia World Records Welcome to Amazing Olympia World Records, the premier Canadian book of world records that celebrates extraordinary achievements and inspires greatness. As the CEO, I am both honored and thrilled to lead this groundbreaking initiative that captures the essence of human potential and innovation. At Amazing Olympia, we are dedicated to recognizing and immortalizing remarkable feats across various domains. Our mission is to provide a platform where exceptional individuals and teams can showcase their unique talents and contributions, setting new benchmarks for excellence. Our commitment extends beyond mere record-keeping; we aim to foster a culture of excellence and perseverance. Through meticulous record verification and a passionate team of professionals, we ensure that every record we acknowledge reflects the highest standards of achievement and integrity. In addition to celebrating accomplishments, we are driven by a vision to promote the spirit of innovation and progress. We continuously seek to expand our horizons, embracing new categories and pioneering records that push the boundaries of possibility. As we embark on this exciting journey, we invite you to join us in celebrating and supporting the remarkable individuals who redefine the limits of what can be achieved. Together, let us inspire future generations and elevate the pursuit of greatness. Thank you for being a part of our extraordinary community. Here’s to breaking records and achieving the impossible! Dr. Aman Sood Managing Director, Call Us: +17789820550 Mr. Sanjeev Pal Singh Pre sident of AO WR Cana da Call us: +1(604) 260-1392 Mr. Kuldeep Sood Associated Country Director of India Call us: +1(604) 260-1392 ​ The AOWR is an incorporative Company registered in the law of Government of Canada in the year 2020 and affiliated partner with Yoga Ministry of Canada . Its our honor to be the first world book record organization in Canadian territory. AOWR has been registered to encourage & assist to the people talents with Amazing Performance which is documenting human and natural world records through Amazing Olympia World Records Book of World Records. Amazing Olympia World Records (AOWR) has been launched in CANADA & its only book registered in the Canada, it is the second World Record book company in the Canada and very popular in Canada after Guinness World Records. AOWR is providing the valuable title to the World record holders with official title as - ​ Amazingly Olympian ​ Employment Offers: Amazing Olympia world records is the only organization which have the motto to create more than one million jobs worldwide until coming 2031. Number 1. Motivator : Amazing Olympia World Records is the first and only organization which has decided to provide the cash money support to the Record Holders. World must know that any record holder who will maintain his/her record for at least 1 year with every 3 months official reattempts can get the cash awards (will declare soon). These cash awards will get started from the World record festival January 2023. ​ Uniqueness in the book of AOWR Other than encouraging people to break or those already set records, AOWR also suggests new records which people can attempt. AOWR also gives on-the-spot certification and online certification along with giving the certification of breaking records though the normal process. AOWR works through an on-line portal which gets updated every 24 hours for the convenience of the visitors and aspirants. Archives of the Present records are kept diligently. (Current holder would be displayed in the website) Easy going process of claiming the attempted record. Minimal Adjudication Cost. AMAZINGLY OLYMPIAN

  • Dance Record Attempts

    DANCE TO APPLY CLICK ON ME FOR DETAILS Largest Bhangra Dance Marathon Performance Required Measurements : 300 people performance for 60 minutes. Largest Bulgarian Dance Marathon Performance Required Measurements : 300 people performance for 60 minutes. Largest Nepali Dance Marathon Performance Required Measurements : 300 people performance for 60 minutes. Largest Yoga-Dance Marathon Performance Required Measurements : 300 people performance for 60 minutes.



  • Athletics | Amazing Olympia World Records | British Columbia


  • Official Attempt 2024 in Bulgaria

    "Official World Record Attempt" Date: Coming Soon Tim e: Address: Most people Performance "The Utkat Asana" (Chair Pose)Yoga Measurement : Minimum 100 people TO PERFORM 00.00.30 hh/mm/sec. required to qualify . ​ Event Participation Fee: Euro100 Invitation Letter charges for an International participant: Euro 100 Visa Application Fee : Euro 100 For more details write to the host Yogasana Bulgaria at: ​ ​

  • Highest standing Jump u-16 boy



    KARATE FILL FORM HERE TO APPLY KARATE OFFICIAL RECORDS TITLES ​ ​ 1. World Highest unassisted martial arts kick (male) Qualified Measurement requirements: The highest martial arts kick requirement is 2.00 m (4 ft 9 in) ​ 2. World Highest unassisted martial arts kick (Female) Qualified Measurement requirements: The highest martial arts kick requirement is 1.50 m (4. ft 9 in) ​ 3. World Highest unassisted martial arts kick (For m ale age only Under -16 y/o ) Qualified Measurement requirements: The highest martial arts kick requirement is 2.00 m (4 ft 9 in) ​ 4. World Highest unassisted martial arts kick (For Fem ale age only Under -16 y/o ) Qualified Measurement requirements: The highest martial arts kick requirement is 1 .50 m ( 4. ft 9 in ) ________________________________________________________________________ 5. Most kicks- Mae Tobi Geri (Jumping Front Kick) with in one minute. (male) Qualified Measurement requirements: 25 kicks. ​ 6. Most kicks- Mae Tobi Geri (Jumping Front Kick) with in one minute. (Female) Qualified Measurement requirements: 25 kicks. ​ 7. Most kicks- Mae Tobi Geri (Jumping Front Kick) with in one minute. (For m ale age only Under -16 y/o ) Qualified Measurement requirements: 25 kicks. ​ 8. Most kicks- Mae Tobi Geri (Jumping Front Kick) with in one minute. (For Fem ale age only Under -16 y/o ) Qualified Measurement requirements: 25 kicks. ________________________________________________________________________ 9. Most kicks- Ashi Barai – Foot Sweep with in one minute. (male) Qualified Measurement requirements: 25 kicks. ​ 10. Most kicks- Ashi Barai – Foot Sweep with in one minute. (Female) Qualified Measurement requirements: 25 kicks. ​ 11. Most kicks- Ashi Barai – Foot Sweep with in one minute. (For m ale age only Under -16 y/o ) Qualified Measurement requirements: 25 kicks. ​ 12. Most kicks- Ashi Barai – Foot Sweep with in one minute. (For Fem ale age only Under -16 y/o ) Qualified Measurement requirements: 25 kicks. ________________________________________________________________________ ​ 13. Most kicks- Fumikomi – Stomp or Stomping Kick with in one minute. (male) Qualified Measurement requirements: 25 kicks. ​ 14. Most kicks- Fumikomi – Stomp or Stomping Kick with in one minute. (Female) Qualified Measurement requirements: 25 kicks. ​ 15. Most kicks- Fumikomi – Stomp or Stomping Kick with in one minute. (For m ale age only Under -16 y/o ) Qualified Measurement requirements: 25 kicks. ​ 16. Most kicks- Fumikomi – Stomp or Stomping Kick with in one minute. (For Fem ale age only Under -16 y/o ) Qualified Measurement requirements: 25 kicks. ________________________________________________________________________ ​ 17. Most kicks- Nidan Tobi Geri (or Nidan Geri) – Jumping Double Front Kick with in one minute. (male) Qualified Measurement requirements: 25 kicks. ​ 18. Most kicks- Nidan Tobi Geri (or Nidan Geri) – Jumping Double Front Kick with in one minute. (Female) Qualified Measurement requirements: 25 kicks. ​ 19. Most kicks- Nidan Tobi Geri (or Nidan Geri) – Jumping Double Front Kick with in one minute. (For m ale age only Under -16 y/o ) Qualified Measurement requirements: 25 kicks. ​ 20. Most kicks- Nidan Tobi Geri (or Nidan Geri) – Jumping Double Front Kick with in one minute. (For Fem ale age only Under -16 y/o ) Qualified Measurement requirements: 25 kicks. ________________________________________________________________________ ​ ​ 1. World Highest unassisted martial arts kick (male) Qualified Measurement requirements: The highest martial arts kick requirement is 2.00 m (4 ft 9 in) ​ 2. World Highest unassisted martial arts kick (Female) Qualified Measurement requirements: The highest martial arts kick requirement is 1.50 m (4. ft 9 in) ​ 3. World Highest unassisted martial arts kick (For m ale age only Under -16 y/o ) Qualified Measurement requirements: The highest martial arts kick requirement is 2.00 m (4 ft 9 in) ​ 4. World Highest unassisted martial arts kick (For Fem ale age only Under -16 y/o ) Qualified Measurement requirements: The highest martial arts kick requirement is 1 .50 m ( 4. ft 9 in ) ________________________________________________________________________ 5. Most kicks- Mae Tobi Geri (Jumping Front Kick) with in one minute. (male) Qualified Measurement requirements: 25 kicks. ________________________________________________________________________

  • Carrier | AOWR

    JOIN OUR TEAM HOW TO BECOME A JUDGE? Official Adjudicator/jury is a position of a responsible and qualified personality who has his own special and professional approach in his skill or area of profession. Everyone who has this expertise they can be part of our team where all can learn their skills and grow together. Mainly it is always all up to the directors to select the Adjudicator/jury as they wish to handle a proper review process of record attempt. Directors usually select Adjudicators based on a few criteria: Qualifications or specialization of the skill like Judo Coach or yoga coach (Any degree or achievement) Whether a candidate have a strong experience in similar field before or willing to gain their experience with us. The number of events/seminars conducted in their area of expertise. How well you are interacting with people & with editorial board members. Recommendations from AOWR Joint directors if they know or have worked with you. Application Form ( Download this application form & fill it up from above link and send to us ​ HOW TO CONDUCT A REVIEW? When you make a recommendation to Amazing Olympia World Records, it is worth considering the categories the editor will likely use for classifying the records attempt. Below steps has to follow by Adjudicator or any review panel members: Be an Official Jury Of AOWR



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