1. Record Title: Highest Standing Jump (Male)
Measurements: 50 Inches (AOWR)
2. Record Title: Highest Standing Jump (Female)
Measurements: 50 Inches (AOWR)
3. Record Title: Highest Standing Jump
(male age under-16) Measurements: 26.8 Inches (AOWR)
4. Record Title: Highest Standing Jump
(Female age under-16)Measurements: 25 Inches (AOWR)
5. Record Title: Most people performing the Highest Standing Jump .
1. Record Title: Longest Time holding the plank position (Male)
Measurements: 00:01 Minutes (AOWR)
2. Record Title: Longest Time holding the plank position (Female)
Measurements: 00:01 Minutes (AOWR)
3. Record Title: Longest Time holding the plank position (male age under-16)
Measurements: 00:01 Minutes (AOWR)
4. Record Title: Longest Time holding the plank position (Female age under-16) Measurements: 00:01 Minutes (AOWR)
5. The most people holding the plank position
Measurements: 100 people for 00:01 Minutes (AOWR)