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JUDO FILL FORM HERE TO APPLY JUDO OFFICIAL RECORDS TITLES 1. World Fastest ippon In the Judo recognized Championship. (Male) Qualified Measurement requirements: less than the ippon time 00.05.00 seconds. 2. World Fastest ippon In the Judo recognized Championship. (Female) Qualified Measurement requirements: less than the ippon time 00.05.00 seconds. 3. World Fastest ippon In the Judo recognized Championship. (Female) Qualified Measurement requirements: less than the ippon time 00.10.00 seconds. (Male age Under -16 y/o) 4. World Fastest ippon In the Judo recognized Championship. (Female) Qualified Measurement requirements: less than the ippon time 00.10.00 seconds. (Female age Under -16 y/o) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Most Fast Judo throws in one minute. (Male) Qualified Measurement requirements: More than Total 79 throws. 6. Most Fast Judo throws in one minute. (Female) Qualified Measurement requirements: More than Total 35 throws. 7. Most Fast Judo throws in one minute. (Male age Under -16 y/o ) Qualified Measurement requirements: More than Total 30 throws. 8. Most Fast Judo throws in one minute. (Fem ale age Under -16 y/o) Qualified Measurement requirements: More than Total 30 throws. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Most fast Judo throws in 30 minutes. (Male) Qualified Measurement requirements: More than Total 250 throws. 10. Most fast Judo throws in 30 minutes (Female) Qualified Measurement requirements: More than Total 25 0 throws. 9. Most fast Judo throws in 30 minutes. (Male age Under -16 y/o ) Qualified Measurement requirements: More than Total 250 throws. 10. Most fast Judo throws in 30 minutes (Fem ale age Under -16 y/o) Qualified Measurement requirements: More than Total 25 0 throws. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . 11. Most fast Judo throws in one hour. (Male) Qualified Measurement requirements: More than Total 400 throws. 12. Most fast Judo throws in one hour. (Female) Qualified Measurement requirements: More than Total 400 throws. 13. Most fast Judo throws in one hour. . (Male age Under -16 y/o ) Qualified Measurement requirements: More than Total 400 throws. 14. Most fast Judo throws in one hour. (Fem ale age Under -16 y/o) Qualified Measurement requirements: More than Total 400 throws -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15. Most fast Judo throws in two hours. (Male) Qualified Measurement requirements: More than Total 1000 throws. 16. Most fast Judo throws in two hours. (Female) Qualified Measurement requirements: More than Total 1000 throws. 17. Most fast Judo throws in two hours. (Male age Under -16 y/o ) Qualified Measurement requirements: More than Total 1000 throws. 18. Most fast Judo throws in two hours. (Fem ale age Under -16 y/o) Qualified Measurement requirements: More than Total 1000 throws. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19. Most fast Judo throws in 24 hours. (Male) Qualified Measurement requirements: More than Total 12,000 throws. 20. Most fast Judo throws in 24 hours. (Female) Qualified Measurement requirements: More than Total 12,000 throws. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21. Most fast Harai Goshi (Sweeping Hip Throw) throws within 1 minute. (Male) Qualified Measurement requirements: More than Total 30 throws. 22. Most fast Harai Goshi (Sweeping Hip Throw) throws within 1 minute. (Female) Qualified Measurement requirements: More than Total 30 throws. 23. Most fast Harai Goshi (Sweeping Hip Throw) throws within 1 minute. (Male age Under -16 y/o ) Qualified Measurement requirements: More than Total 30 throws. 23. Most fast Harai Goshi (Sweeping Hip Throw) throws within 1 minute. (Fem ale age Under -16 y/o) Qualified Measurement requirements: More than Total 30 throws.
- Official Attempt 2024 in Canada
"Official World Record Attempt" 15th Sept.2024 Tim e:10:00 am - 2:00 pm Matsqui Community Hall: 33676 St Olaf Ave, Abbotsford, BC V4X 1T6, Canada Most people Performance "The Tad Asana" (Stretch pose)Yoga Measurement : Minimum 100 people required to qualify Event Participation Fee: $ 99.99 Invitation Letter charges for an International participant: $2500 For more details write to the host Yoga Ministry of Canada at:
- Doctor Award | AOWR
Our programme is governed by the provisions of independent evaluation under the Yoga Ministry of Canada. We are committed to providing our students with the highest quality education and to supporting you in achieving your goals. Our Doctorate Awards recognize professionals who have excelled in their field, demonstrating a high degree of excellence and expertise. These awards are not only a symbol of recognition for this achievement but also a testament to the recipients' dedication to their profession. Our selection process is rigorous, ensuring that only the most qualified and deserving individuals are honored. At Amazing Olympia World Records, we are committed to celebrating excellence and inspiring others to strive for their own success. Pay Now Nomination Fee: $3000.00 Click Here to Pay
BOXING FILL FORM HERE TO APPLY BOXING OFFICIAL RECORDS TITLES 1. The Fastest punches within one minute (male) Qualified Measurement requirements: The Fastest punches within one minute requirement are 430 Punches Watch video trailer 2. The Fastest punches within one minute (Female) Qualified Measurement requirements: The Fastest punches within one minute requirement are 100 Punches 3. The Fastest punches within one minute (For m ale age only Under -16 y/o ) Qualified Measurement requirements: The Fastest punches within one minute requirement are 100 Punches 4. The Fastest punches within one minute (For Fem ale age only Under -16 y/o ) Qualified Measurement requirements: The Fastest punches within one minute requirement are 100 Punches GUIDELINE
- Categories | AOWR
CATEGORY GUIDE The records can be generally categorized into the following given categories, choose the most relevant one. In case of any confusion regarding your category feel free to contact support . Arts and Culture Biggest/Tallest Business Collection Creativity & Innovation Education Inventions & Technology Memory & Mental World Sports & Fitness Smallest Space and Astronomy World News and Affairs
YOGA FILL FORM HERE TO APPLY 1. Record Title: Longest time to hold the HALASANA (Male) Measurements: 01:00:00 hour (s): minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) 2. Record Title: Longest time to hold the HALASANA (Female) Measurements: 6 minuet(s): 18 Second(s) (AOWR) 3. Record Title: Longest time to hold the HALASANA (male age under-16) Measurements: 1:00 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) 4. Record Title: Longest time to hold the HALASANA (Female age under-16) Measurements: 1:00 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) 5. Record Title: Most people performing the HALASANA . Measurements: The current record is 50 people 00:30 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: Longest time to hold The Hanuman Asana (yoga) (Female) Measurements 00:27:04 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: Longest time to hold The PARIVRTTA SURYA YANTRASANA (yoga) (Female age under-16) Measurements 00:20:04 hour(s) : minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: Ganda Bherundasana (Longest Chin Stand) (Female) Measurements: 21:26 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: Longest time to hold The Purna Bhujangasana (Full Cobra Pose) (Female age under-16) Measurements: 00 : 50 : 14 hour (s): minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: Longest time to hold The PURNA USTRASANA (Female) Measurements: 00 : 25 : 02 hour (s): minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: Longest time to hold The Hanuman Asana (yoga) (Female) Measurements 00:27:04 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: Ganda Bherundasana (Longest Chin Stand) (Female) Measurements: 21:26 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title Longest time to hold the Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) (Male) Measurements: 00:05:36 minute(s): Second(s) (AOWR ) Record Title: Longest time to hold The Anjaneyasana (Equestrian Pose or Crescent Moon Pose) (Female) Measurements: 00:01:08 minute(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title Most People Performing the Ushtrasasana (CamelPose) (Mass Evevent) Measurements: 264 People 01:55 minute(s): Second(s) (AOWR ) Record Title: Longest time to hold the Phalakasana (Plank Pose) (Female) Measurements: 00:01:01 minute(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: Longest time to hold the Ustrasana (Camel Pose) (Male age under-16) Measurements: 00:10:02 minute(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: The LARGEST PAIR YOGA UTKATTASANA (CHAIR POSE) Mass Event Measurements Total 121 people performed for 05:40 minute(s): ,Second(s) (AOWR Record Title: Longest time to hold the Shirsha Garudasana (Headstand Eagle Legs Position) (Female) Measurements: 00:02:04 minute(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title : Longest time to hold the Bhunamanasana (Greeting to earth Position) (Male) Measurements: 01:21:00 Hour(s): minute(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: The Largest Surya Namaskar Performance . Measurements: The current record is in numbers“113,02,59,962” SURYA NAMASKAR By 5,704,646 Yoga Enthusiasts (AOWR) Record Title: Longest time to hold the Bhunamanasana (Greeting to earth Position) (Male age under-16) Measurements: 00:025:01 minute(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: Longest time to hold The Raj-Kapot Asana (male age under-16) Measurements: 5:12 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: Longest time to hold The Janushirsh Asana (Female) Measurements: 1:12 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: Longest time to hold the Janushirsh Asana (Female age under-16) Measurements: 22:51 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: Record Title: Longest time to hold The Garbh-Asana (Female age under-16) Measurements 01 : 30:03 hour(s):minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: The Largest Yoga Performance on floating surface. Measurements: The current record is 35 people performance for 1 hour and 30 minutes. (AOWR) Record Title: Longest time to hold the Padam Sirasana (Headstand Pose) (Male) Measurements: 23:04 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: Longest time to hold the Kurma Asana (Male) Measurements: 33:25 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: Longest time to hold the Shashank Asana (Female) Measurements: 10:27 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: Longest time to hold the Shashank Asana (Female age under-16) Measurements: 34:49 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: Longest time to hold the Ardha Matsyendra Asana (Female) Measurements: 5:58 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: Longest time to hold the Ardha Matsyendra Asana (male age under-16) Measurements: 24:42 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: Longest time to hold The Supta Vajaras ana (Female) Measurements: 00:20:03 hour (s): minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: Longest time to hold The Bhadrasana (Female) Measurements: 00:30:10 hour (s): minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: Longest time to hold The Parvatasana (Female) Measurements: 00:03:06 hour (s): minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: Longest time to hold The Bhujangasana (Female) Measurements: 00:03:09 hour (s): minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: Longest time to hold The Ushtra Asana (Female) Measurements: 00:02:04 hour (s): minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: Longest time to hold The Vrksasana (Female) Measurements: 00:03:06 hour (s): minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: Longest time to hold Uttana Mandukasana (Female) Measurements: 00:07:05 hour (s): minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: Longest time to hold The Phalakasana (Female) Measurements: 00:02:04 hour (s): minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: The Longest Time To Hold The Padma Sarvangasana (Male) Measurements: 07:51 minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR) Record Title: Longest time to hold the SASANGASANA (Female age under-16) Measurements: 00 : 20 : 01 hour (s): minuet(s): Second(s) (AOWR)